Mythos: Captain America Iron Man

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mythos: Captain America, Page 19, Panel 2 (detail).
2008. Gouache and acrylic on bristol board, 11 x 17".
Original Art

For a comic called Mythos: Captain America, there sure were a lot of appearances by the Golden Avenger. Perhaps Paul Jenkins and I were just making up for the lack of a Mythos: Iron Man.

Mythos: Captain America, Page 18, Panel 1. 2008.
Gouache and acrylic on bristol board, 22 x 17".

Mythos: Captain America, Page 18, Panel 2 (detail). 2008.
Gouache and acrylic on bristol board, 22 x 17".

Mythos: Captain America, Page 18, Panel 4 (detail). 2008.
Gouache and acrylic on bristol board, 22 x 17".
Original Art


  1. Paolo the Hulk expression and position of anger in the last panel posted is amazing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can understand why the Hulk's so upset in that panel - Iron Man's boot jet is firing right into his groin. I'd be angry too.

  4. I´ve been looking around your blog..
    I think it´s really great!!
    I like the way you use the watercolour, the way you draw, the expressions, the 50´s style you give to your superheroes..
    One of the blogs i like most.
    Thenks for showing your work

  5. Thanks, Guglie. You can see where I got the look from on Wacky Reference Wednesday #100.

    Dav, I couldn't agree more. The Hulk's not somebody you want to make angry.

    Paulo, thanks for the kind words—glad to have you as a reader!

  6. Good stuff Paolo! Ironically I was just drooling over this book yesterday (which reminds me I have to pick up a new one... this one's soggy). Very cool seeing these panels in such detail. Some of your best painted work to date.

  7. Thanks, Mike! Maybe Marvel can make an "Absolute" edition that's waterproof? Mine is soaked with tears.

  8. Thanks for the info. It helps. ^_^


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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.