More Snow

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I just came across a site that collected (and animated) the progress pics for Heavy Snow, Chance of Sentinels, my N.C. Wyeth inspired Wolverine Art Appreciation Month cover. I don't know much about the Spanish language site,, but I recognized my art (and appreciated the extra blog traffic).

— my original post
— the composition post
— the original art


  1. Hey hey, how 'bout that! You appeared on WorkInProgress!

    I really dig their setup, (especially seeing somebody like Enrique Fernandez's process,) but I'm surprised they didn't contact you. It seemed like they did that before they posted it.

  2. Yep. That´s a pretty cool site. When i first saw you art there, i also tought you would already be aware of the use...

  3. Hi Paolo (sorry my english).
    I am the webmaster of artBOX and WIP. I not had time to give you the link, you're fast!
    Good job, all your work is incredible.

  4. Sedyas, thanks for the link (and thanks for stopping by). Sounds like you've already got some fans of the site.

  5. Found your work through artBOX, sure glad I did, your work is great.

  6. Thank you, John. I appreciate it. I seem to be getting a lot of traffic from that site now.


Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.