Barking Spider

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't know why I've never linked to Maris Wicks' blog, Dots for Eyes, before, but now I've got no excuse. When she came down (along with Joe Quinones) for the Big Apple Con last month, she did her fair share of superhero commissions in artist alley, one of which I insisted on coloring. The above collaboration (which still makes me laugh) was the result.

And speaking of collaborations, for anyone who is interested in our Green Lantern/Spidey "cover," Joe will be selling the original art (pictured below) through his Etsy shop. At the bottom of the post, I've included a scan of the art after Joe was finished with his portion of the work: Spider-Man, lettering, and inking. Painting that sky was hard, Joe!


  1. Ha ha, I'm enjoying that collab waaayyy too much! Great stuff. I don't know how I didn't think to get Maris to do a commission but that's definitely on my list of things to do at the next con I see her at!

  2. Maris is the queen of farting comic characters.

  3. ... and I mean that in the most reverent way, of course!

  4. Agreed, Mike. Now I'm just waiting for a Maris/Joe jam-piece.

    Christina, I cannot argue with your statement(s).

  5. Oh, a jam piece is coming. BELIEVE IT.

  6. I believe it, Joe. I do.

    In keep with Maris' "farté," you should have Green Lantern trying to capture a fart with his ring while out on a date with Carol. Yep. I should be a writer.

  7. I like the idea of you trying to break in as a writer by contributing unique ways of incorporating farts into other people's stories.

  8. Thanks for the linkage dude...I think you're directly responsible for me coloring my latest Poison Ivy sketch. So thanks!

    And you can write fart comics for me to draw anytime.

  9. Michael, I like that you like my idea. You have given me the courage to pursue my true dreams.

    My pleasure, Maris. If you don't mind, I'm going to take credit for all of your future colored work. Cool? Thanks. By the way, Fear-acle Grow was brilliant.


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