The Baroness

The Baroness (Big Apple Con commission) 2009 watercolor on paper 9 x 12" Tina Fey's got nothing on the Baroness, who's been ro...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 82

Amazing Spider-Man #577 ( page 16 , panel 4) 2008 ink on Marvel board 10.3 x 4" Here I am hamming it up as Moses Magnum, the earth-sha...

More Snow

I just came across a site that collected (and animated) the progress pics for Heavy Snow, Chance of Sentinels , my N.C. Wyeth inspired Wolve...

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Hey Oscar Wilde!

Well, I finally found the time to contribute a piece to Hey Oscar Wilde , Steven Gettis' collection of literary-figure-drawings. If you...

Daredevil #505

Among the February solicitations that were just released, you may have noticed my first professional Daredevil work. I'll be doing the...

Visions of Valenciennes

Vision Big Apple Con commission watercolor on paper (9" x 12") 2009 I'm going to France! Next April, I'll be heading there...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 81

Mythos: Captain America page 20 (11" x 17"), panel 3 acrylic and gouache on bristol board 2008 Continuing our look at last week...

Optimistic in New York

The White Queen (Tending the Hellfire) personal commission (detail) acrylic and gouache on bristol board 2009 The New York Optimist has fea...

Sunday, November 15, 2009


(Sc)Avengers Assemble!

Well, our team, The Dark Knights, won Saturday's scavenger hunt, which was a superbly organized Met Museum romp, from a human pyramid ...

Big Apple Con 2009 Commissions

After some coaxing, I agreed to accept commissions on the blank covers of The Marvels Project variants. The paper is not great to paint on,...

Barking Spider

I don't know why I've never linked to Maris Wicks' blog, Dots for Eyes , before, but now I've got no excuse. When she came d...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 80

Mythos: Captain America , page 20, panels 4-5 acrylic and gouache on bristol board In honor of Veterans Day , I thought I would feature a pa...

Big Apple Con 2009 Commissions

Here's one of my favorite commissions from last month's Big Apple Con. I call it Hungover Iron Man . This is how I spent most of Oct...

The Marvels Project, Part 4 of 4

This is the last piece from my series of promotional illustrations for The Marvels Project by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting . I highly reco...

Google Street View (and Me)

You heard it here first: I'm famous. If you'll indulge me for a moment, you will (hopefully) find that this post is not as off-topic...

Big Apple Con Commissions

And here we have The Scarlet Witch and Thanos, a lovely couple. Thanks for the scans, Eli!

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 79

Mythos: Captain America, page 20, panel 2 (detail) gouache and acrylic on bristol board Giant Man may be too big for the frame, but I'm ...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Live Long and Prosper

Because you asked for it (well, two of you did), here are some pics of me as Spock on Halloween. Yes, that is my real hair — I had it cut on...
Copyright © 2025 The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.