More Head Sketches

In the midst of a convention, while signing books, answering questions, and selling my wares, a simple pin-up can take more time than it wou...

Black Friday

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I'm still recovering from all the food and drink, but I thought I'd share a sketch from the...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 32

In this scene from Mythos: Captain America, Steve Rogers attends a veteran's reunion at his local VFW post. Below are some of the refere...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Big Apple Con, November '08 Pin-Ups

Can't seem to keep quiet these days: I've got another interview this week, this time with Irene Gallo of Tor Books. Link And below i...

Cold, Hard Metal

It got cold this week! Wolverine had better put on a jacket. In other news, I spoke briefly with Brett White of Wizard Magazine about the ne...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 31

I'm guessing this is what I would look like if injected with gamma-irradiated mutant growth hormone: And this is what I would look like ...

Monday, November 17, 2008


Amazing Spider-Man 577 Trailer

Whew. What a weekend. First of all, thank you to everyone whom stopped by my table at the Big Apple Con. And for those of you who commission...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


In Good Company

Thank you so much to everyone who came to support me at last night's signing! And thank you to all you readers who have been supporting ...

Jim Hanley's Universe

I will be signing at Jim Hanley's Universe in Manhattan tonight from 6-8. Please stop by if you'd like me to sign your copy of the ...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 30

Today, on a special Wacky Reference Wednesday, Beanbag Amerika has agreed to the release of certain incriminating pictures. Bean is a good f...

Perspective Trick

Here's a tool that I use fairly often for getting quick, but accurate perspective lines. While at RISD , I picked up the habit of using ...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

1 comment :

Silver Surfers

There are times when I don't really know what I'm going to do next. For the purposes of this blog, I should probably limit this subj...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Wolverine Wednesday

Wacky Reference Wednesday? I don't think so—not today. How about Wolverine Wednesday? I'd like to direct your attention to Jarreau W...
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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.