Monday, August 31, 2009


Marvelous Mouse

Growing up in Florida with the ability to draw elicits the same response from everyone: "Are you going to work for Disney when you grow...

Painting Ghost Rider

Back in 2006, Tim Leong of Comic Foundry produced a great series of videos detailing my painting process on Mythos: Ghost Rider. Unfortunat...

Accurate Digital Color Reproduction (in Just 7 Years)

Blog reader Michael Dooney recently reminded me of a forgotten promise from earlier this year. Some of you may remember that I had a digit...

Quick Photoshop Tip

As with many tricks in Photoshop, I discovered this one by accident: holding down option and shift while using the Lasso tool will select a ...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 70

Mythos: Captain America, page 10 (2008) gouache and acrylic on bristol board I only had one light in this room, so I just took two pictures ...

Extra! Page

I'm running low on new artwork that I'm allowed to show, so here are some progress shots from Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #2, page 12...

Fantastici Quattro

A big thank you goes out to Salvo, my Sicilian fan, who just sent me copies of my work in Italian. Pictured above is my cut-away illustratio...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Iron Man Armory

I found this pic on-line while searching around for Iron Man armory pics. This cover, my first for Marvel, was painted over 7 years ago (whi...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 69

Spectacular Spider-Man #14, page 19, panel 4 (2004) oil on masonite Back when I was working on this project, we were still building out our ...

Cap Study

This study is part of a larger page of sketches from the Young Allies issue I did earlier this year. I don't know when I'll actually...

Blunt Instrument

On my last day in Tokyo, I went into an art supply store that happened to carry the Kuru Toga pencil, an ingenious design that rotates the p...

Spectrum Exhibition

The Society of Illustrators is once again hosting an exhibit of Spectrum "fantastic" art. If the last show is any indication, thi...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 68

Spectacular Spider-Man #14, page 21, panel 2 oil, power, and responsibility on masonite

Short Notice

I'll be at Jim Hanley's Universe this evening to help celebrate Marvel's 70th Anniversary . It's more of a party than a sig...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Iron Men

At 24 x 36 inches, this is one of the larger pieces I've done. It's based on the famous splash page from the first appearance of Ir...

Spidey Commission

Here's another commission that I did recently. I actually have huge Spider-Man news (and I mean huge) but I'm not allowed to say any...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


New Blog Header

Some of you noticed the new header yesterday, which is something I've been meaning to do for a long time. For those of you who aren'...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 67

Things are getting downright intense in my kitchen. Too much flak! Mythos: Captain America, page 11, panel 7 gouache and acrylic on bristol ...

Sunday, August 2, 2009



I've been trying to plow through as many commissions as possible before I go back to "insane" mode for my next big Marvel proj...
Copyright © 2025 The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.