Hellboy '55 Trade Cover

Monday, November 27, 2017

HELLBOY AND THE B.P.R.D.: 1955. 2017.
Gouache on bristol board, 13 × 19″.

This collection should be out in June and will include our one-shot issue, Burning Season. Details at Dread Central.

detail of raw scan


  1. This looks great!! Is there any chance I could send you a sample page I did from a script online? It’s just pencils but I really need criticism.

    1. Thanks! I'd be happy to look, but probably won't have time to give a decent response until mid-December. You can find my email under "Contact."

  2. thanks I think a brief critique would OK . I just need to hear what a someone in the industry thinks.

  3. Thanks for looking at my work! If and when you have time can I send more work to be critiqued ? Thanks


Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.