Wondercon 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

HOWARD THE DUCK. Pencils by Joe Quinones. 
2016. Gouache, then digital, 13 × 19″.

In case you haven't heard, I'll be at Wondercon this weekend! When I'm not in Artist Alley at booth A-22, I'll be at one of a bajillion panels. Schedule below. I'll be happy to sign and personalize your books at no charge (but if you have a ton, I may ask you to space them out).

I already have a commissions list going, so there's no guarantee I can take on new ones. But feel free to ask me at the booth — I will try not to be too harsh.

Latinos in Comics — FRIDAY 12:30 Room 152
(Yes, I used my last name for the privilege of meeting Los Hermanos Hernandez!)

Drawing Action — SATURDAY 11:30 Room 152
Spotlight on Paolo Rivera—SATURDAY 4:30 Room 502A

Cover Story — SUNDAY 11:30 Room 502A


  1. Hi Paolo. Just wanted to ask if you'll possibly take any commissions for the Paris con next month.
    ( I'm hoping to hear a "Oui!" )
    Looking forward to seeing you there anyhow!

    1. Hey, Thomas! I will, I just haven't figured out yet how I'm going to do it. Stay tuned to the blog!


Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.