Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 239

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Guardians of the Galaxy #7. 2013.
Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board, 11 × 17″.

Guardians #7 is out today! My contribution is a variant cover, so it may be difficult to find. You can see a preview here. This was the last of 3 EC Comics-inspired covers (you can see the other 2 here). I'm actually working on something similar but unrelated at the moment — hope I can share it soon. All the work is inspired by Wallace Wood, but this cover in particular was mainly influenced by Al Feldstein.

Total Hours: 19 + inks
layouts: 1.5
sketch: 4.5
pencils: 9
ink: ask my Dad
col: 4

Just plain weird

As you can see in the digital sketch stage, I utilize a perspective grid to help me organize the space. Many of you have been asking when I plan to release it — I have good news and bad news. The good news is I've started the beta-testing phase and shared it with a handful of professionals. The bad news is that some are having a tough time with it. I'll be the first to admit that it's a bit cumbersome, which is exactly what I was worried about. If we can work out all the kinks, then I'll be happy to distribute it widely, but right now... it could go either way.

inks by my Paw
blue-line print of pencils

pencils over digital sketch
digital sketch

digital layout

inks detail


  1. Zlatibor StankovicWednesday, October 16, 2013

    Your work is truly retro in the best manner! Sort of time machine for me. Amazing, inspiring!
    One question: with all this details, research, how long does it take to do a cover?

  2. Thanks! I just update the post to include an hourly breakdown. By the time I got to this cover, I had pretty much done all the research previously.

  3. I'm really loving your GotG covers. Please keep making them. Will you be attending any upcoming cons? I would love to get these covers signed. Thanks.

    1. Thanks, German! No GotG covers planned at the moment, but I did just finish an old-school sci-fi cover for something else. Will share as soon as I can.

      As for cons, right now I'm planning on Sacramento in March, possibly Dragon Con in Atlanta. We'll see if I can make NYCC next year.


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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.