Some (Very) Personal Work

Monday, October 14, 2013

This is a cross-post with Muddy Colors — An Illustration Collective

Le Mariage au Hill Bleue (Wedding Invitation). 2013.
Ink on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″.

I'm back to posting at Muddy Colors after a month-long hiatus, during which time... I got married! I created a few pieces of art for the event, and I hope you don't mind if I share them here. As you can see, my professional art doesn't stray far (or at all) from my personal work.

My wife grew up reading (and loving) Tintin so we decided on that style for the invitation and save-the-date. Despite never reading the series in my youth, I was always aware of the character and had great respect for Hergé, its creator.

You may recognize many of the characters who, like our guests, are very dear to us. Although I split the crowd in half according to our personal favorites, there's quite a bit of overlap. My favorite part is featured above: Ripley using the Power Loader from Aliens to hold her bouquet.

Photo by Paul Bates

To push the idea further, each of our guests was given a Lego character for their seat assignment — nearly 100 in all. They didn't all match up with the invitation, but we tried to pair the right character to the right guest. My wife designed the name cards (as well as every other piece of graphic design).

Le Mariage au Hill Bleue (Save the Date). 2012.
Ink on bristol board (with digital color), 11 × 17″.

Our wedding was held at Blue Hill at Stone Barns, which takes pride in growing and serving their own food. It's a beautiful, bucolic setting — the Rockefeller's former dairy farm, in fact — and the weather was perfect. Our Save-the-Date features the main entrance, which is where we attempted a live-action version right after the ceremony.

Photo by Tory Williams

I also did the bachelorette t-shirts, which were based on Le Lotus Bleu, another Tintin adventure. Pictured below is the wedding cake topper, which I baaaarely finished in time. Most people probably know Wolverine by now — that's Psylocke on the left. This was before I added three claw marks to the cake with a knife.

Psylocke and Wolverine. 2013.
Super Sculpey, wood, and acrylic, 4 × 4 × 6″.
Photo by Paul Bates

And finally, my Mom commissioned one of my good friends, Maris Wicks to create a portrait of us. I love it. I was a huge Ninja Turtles fan growing up, Raphael being my favorite. My wife's name is April, so I think it must have been destiny.

Maris Wicks. April and Raphael. 2013.
Ink and watercolor on bristol, 9 × 12″.


  1. This is the best thing ever! And congratulations to you and your bride.

  2. I love everything about this post Paolo. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. This just puts a huge smile on my face! I was fine with that top picture alone but having all that extra information just made this *THIS* (measuring with my hands, which you can't see) much heartwarming. Really cool. Congratulations!

  4. Some really great ideas mixed in with love, quite a bit of hard work and a large helping of talent. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

  5. This is amazing! Congrats guys :-)

  6. this made my day, Paolo! :) hope to see you again in the future.

  7. The Ohmu in the background is killer and everything else you did was awesome. Congratulations.

  8. How Thoughtful and Unique! Congratulations on taking the plunge and I wish you and Mrs. Rivera the best!

  9. Man, that's amazing. That must have been one fun day. That Tintin tribute is astonishing. Congratulations to you both.

  10. I think I've just discovered the basis for my wedding board on Pinterest.

    Congrats you two! I hope you have many happy years together.

  11. Nice! Congrats, guy!

    Tim Hamilton

  12. The entire post was wonderful. I wish you and your bride many many years of happiness together.

  13. wow, congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rivera

  14. This is awesome! I want that for my wedding! Congrats!

  15. Congrats Paolo! I saw this linked from Comic Book Resources and now I know of another great comic illustrator. :)

  16. Beautiful all around! Cheers to you both!

  17. Congrats and blessings to your marriage!!

  18. Thanks so much, guys! Glad you all like the art (and thanks for all the warm wishes).

  19. Holy cats! I doubt I could convince my fiance to get on board with any of this, but it's all fantastic! Congratulations!

  20. Also, I wanted to ask about a few of the characters. I think I got all of them except the guy next to Captain Haddock, the guy next to Woody, and what is that thing behind Mr. Incredible?

    1. That's Jacob from Twilight, Sgt. Slaughter from G.I. Joe, and an Ohmu from Nausicca.

  21. Mazel tov, Paolo! Greatest invitations ever!

  22. Wow, this is incredible and beautiful.... congratulations to you both, Paolo!!

  23. Somehow I missed this post! Congratulations, Paolo! You are great couple!
    Beautiful story!

  24. Hope your marriage is as happy as your drawings.

  25. So awesome. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations!!


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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.