
Friday, October 18, 2013

Batman Study. 2013. Ink on bristol board, 11 × 17″.

In case you didn't hear me scream it on Twitter earlier this week... I get to draw Batman! Professionally! As in DC Comics is going to pay me to draw him. Actually, both of those things have already happened and the 8-page Batman: Black & White story will be out in January. It's written by Ivan Brandon and inked by my Paw!

I don't think you understand. Perhaps this drawing from when I was 11 will help (based on a brilliant drawing by Jerry Ordway). Have a great weekend!


  1. What a great news!!!! and this preview shows how awesome it will be!!! I will the first in line to buy it!!!

  2. Thanks so much, guys! Can't wait to show some pages.

  3. Very nice! Exposed body without armor. Good!

    1. Thanks! I like the classic look, but I wanted subtle updates. Tried to think of the cape as more of a parachute.

  4. Whenever I draw Batman, I instantly tend to go for the Jim Lee/Frank Miller style of Bats with muscles carved out of rock and other monstrous features, so this is a bit of a revelation to see a more stripped down rendition with an athlete-type of anatomy to him. The straps and all are a nice addition as well, makes him look very practical. Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks! My baseline standard is Mazzucchelli's Batman, so I tried to keep things simple, while adding a few personal touches.

    2. Awesome news!!!, since your work in Daredevil, all I wanna see is your take on Batman, and the influence of Mazzucchelli is another great reason!!! Also the comicbook adaptation of the 89 Batman movie, was the first comic I bought

    3. Thanks! I wish I still had that comic — no idea what happened to it.

    4. I still have my copy, but very torn and pasted back. Beyond that, the work of Jerry Ordway blew my mind at the time.

  5. I think I recognize that Batman drawing that you drew as a kid. It's from the 89 Batman movie adaptation, isn't it? I worshiped that comic as a kid.

    1. It sure is. I spent many an afternoon poring over that comic.

  6. this is great news! if you get to draw Two-Face.... well yeah :D
    can't wait to read it.

    1. Thanks! You'll get to see Bats up against his greatest villain.


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