Favorite Cover, Round 2

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I almost forgot! I just barely made it to the second round for Newsarama's Favorite Cover of 2010 and I still need your help. I'm already trailing by quite a bit in the polls, so get out and vote! I promise not to tax you next year.


  1. Thanks, Craig. If I ever get to do Daredevil again, I'd love to try another composition in this style.

  2. This is Awesome! My girlfriend just got me for Christmas Myth. I was looking in the internet about the artist who made it, And I found your blog. This Daredevil art is AWESOME!
    Keep on the Fine Work!

  3. Gafanhoto, thank you so much! Your girlfriend must have exquisite taste.


Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.