Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 322

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

GHOST RIDER. 2016. Gouache on paper, 9 × 12″.

Here's an NYCC pre-commission from September. I used Handy, a reference app that works on tablet or phone. I was mainly using it for the cast shadow information, but I added an orange glow to the bottom to get the mood right, if not the lighting.

Although I've used mostly watercolor for commissions in the past, I've started to use gouache so I can achieve some opaque effects. Since I'm only painting at home (and not at the cons) I can use my typical painting palette, rather than the travel version.

Hot Sauce!


  1. awesome, but did you take a picture of you doing that face?

  2. Seriously man.... Wtf? It's like you met Ghost Rider and said, "Hey, hold that pose." Lol great great work


Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.