Hulk Cross-Hatching Demo

Monday, September 7, 2015


  1. I love watching process videos, they are the easiest for me to learn from. Thanks so much for taking the time to walk us through it.

    I'm always a little ink shy when it comes to cross-hatching. I get nervous of over-working it and making everything too dark. Just gotta keep at it, I guess.

    1. Yeah, I love a good demo... even try to watch them while I work. Don't be shy with the ink!

  2. Awesome Demo, you have the gift of teaching!

  3. Love the demons and the reference Wednesdays. I went and got a larger brush for inking (a #4 sable) based on your inking demo. It's definitely changed my work. Next time I'm in Ormond I'll have to see if I can get your dad to sign some of the stuff he's inked (I'm from there).

    1. Thanks! Yeah, big brushes are the way to go. I've been using more of the pen brushes for convenience, but I'll never completely switch over.

      Nice to hear the Ormond connection!


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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.