The Valiant #2 Preview

Monday, January 19, 2015

The second issue of The Valiant comes out this Wednesday! Hope you'll pick it up. In case you're on the fence, here's a lettered preview with 6 pages, and a handful of variant covers. You may even notice that the writers, Jeff Lemire and Matt Kindt, gave me a hand with the art. They created a nice children's book sequence for a story-within-a-story.

I'm hard at work on the final issue at the moment, but I hope to have a Wacky Reference post for you on Wednesday.

THE VALIANT #2, PAGE 1. 2014.
Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″.


Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.