Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 275

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

GOD HATES ASTRONAUTS #4 (Variant Cover). 2014.
Ink on bristol board, 11 × 17″, colored by Ryan Browne.

The day is finally here! God Hates Astronauts #4 is out today (preview here), featuring my variant cover of Croad, the Unfortunate (and sporting colors by the man himself, Ryan Browne). I penciled this digitally, printed it out in cyan (with yellow and magenta perspective guidelines) and inked it traditionally.

Paolo, The Unfortunate

my inks over a digital print

digital "pencils"

digital layouts

a raw scan of the original

Last, but not least, below is a page of inspiration, with all but my face blurred out. For the past year or so, most of my work has been supplemented by these multi-layer, high-res files. It's just the easiest way to keep all the pertinent reference organized and accessible. As you may have noticed, I added a pair of pint-sized grips for Croad's clawful face.

additional reference


  1. I've been trying to make an inspiration collage like this a habit while I work. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. No prob! I've been saving them by generic subject as well: one for suits, one for forests, etc.


Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.