Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2

Friday, May 31, 2013

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2. 2013.
Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″.

Here's the latest Superior Spider-Man Team-Up cover, issue 2 to be exact (I just turned in #3 last week). I had to go back on this one to revise Spidey's costume, which has since been updated, but I figured I'd show the original version here. I also removed Scarlet Spider's "spidey sense," since he doesn't actually have any — a Twitter follower was kind enough to point that out. In other news, I've gotten to about 4 commissions for Heroes Con so far. Hope to do at least that many more before the show (as well as some during). Below is a Cap commission from last year.

Otherwise, California is treating me well. My fiancée and I were lucky enough to find a great apartment. Looks like I'll be calling San Francisco home. Have a great weekend! (And if you're interested in my Walking Dead sketch cover, the auction ends today.)

Captain America. 2012. Watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″.


  1. Welcome to San Francisco! Hope that you guys enjoy it here.

  2. Thanks! I love what I've seen so far. It was already one of my favorite cities.


Copyright © 2025 The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.