Daredevil #26 Variant Cover

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Daredevil #26. 2013. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera)
on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″.

I'm dipping my toe into the Daredevil pool once again with a variant cover to issue 26. You can check out the preview here. As you can probably guess, Iron Man is making a guest appearance. Speaking of which, I've had a couple people alert me to an Iron Man 3 contest that Marvel and Audi are hosting. It's called Steer the Story, and from what I understand, there's a chance for aspiring artists to submit their work. As for the movie, I'm pretty excited to see it (at the Marvel screening next week!). I did some painted artwork for the film's producers that I hope to reveal after the premiere. Have a great weekend!

(P.S. For those of you who are interested, there's still space in my design webinar on May 18th. I related a few of the core concepts for the class on the Comics Experience blog.)

Daredevil #1. 2013. Ink and watercolor on sketch cover, 7 × 10.5″.


  1. Absolutely love the "two views" approach to the DD #26 variant cover. Nice touch!

  2. Glad to see you are making your way back to "The Man Without Fear". When will we see another FULL issue with Rivera art?

  3. Your independent graphic novel(la) is one of my most anticipated comics, but it's great seeing you draw Daredevil. I love when you go full-on Wally Wood!

  4. Thanks, everybody!

    Nicholas: I won't say "never," but there are no plans at the moment. I'd be happy to return, but there are some big things I want to accomplish before that happens. Don't hold your breath.

    Andrew: if you like the Wally Wood approach, wait 'til you see my series of Guardians covers. They're already some of my favorites.


Copyright © 2025 The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.