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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Here's a quick tip for those of you running Adobe CS5 with a Wacom tablet. The latest version of Photoshop features a heads-up display (HUD) that makes color selection easier than ever. To access it, however, 3 buttons must be pressed in concert with a pen click (control, command, and option (on a Mac)).

Hoping to simplify the process, I reprogrammed my pen eraser to "press" the buttons for me. I never use the eraser anyway, so the added functionality was a boon to my color studies.

The screen grab above shows what settings are necessary to enable the customization. For a full explanation, check out this Wacom video tutorial (part of a larger series). I'm using a Cintiq 12WX, but the same rules apply.


  1. I use a Nostromo game pad for my shortcuts and have programed a key on that to bring up that color wheel, very convenient!

  2. That's a good tip, Paul. I know there are apps for iPad as well that essentially do the same thing. There's also a company that makes custom-made pads, but they're insanely expensive (as would be expected).

    No prob, Misael. Glad I could help.

  3. Hey Paolo! First of all, i love your work.
    I have to watch Thecomicarchive's videos from you all the time because i love your style to draw and paint ;) .
    I have one question for you..
    What size is that magnetic table you use? That's just awesome, and so are u :D
    Greetings from Finland! :) (And sorry for a bad english, i am finnish guy :D)

    1. Thanks, Bablo! the metal sheet was custom-cut at 18 x 24 inches. Behind it is a couple pieces of masonite attached to shelving brackets to keep it at an angle. Hope that helps.


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