Daredevil #1 Cover—Finished!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daredevil #1 Cover. 2011. Gouache and acrylic on bristol board, 11 × 17″.

I know I'm supposed to be on a blog break, but I just wanted to share the final version of the Daredevil #1 cover. I ended up getting pretty sick the week that it was due and couldn't finish the background in time. It's done now and should be on the stands this summer.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying my time in Florida and slowly getting the first issue under way... about 4 pages done so far. Be back in a couple weeks!


  1. Awesome cover, Paolo! The background is amazing. I can't wait for the first issue.

  2. Looks fantastic! The pigeons are great, and I love how you sneaked your sig in amongst the cacophony.

  3. I can't say I'm a connoisseur of Daredevil cover art, but this is easily my favorite so far. Bombass.

  4. Daaayyy-umn! I haven't seen that on a Daredevil cover before.

    It was a real pleasure to meet you at MegaCon 2011 two weeks ago. Thank you for the time you took looking at my portfolio and for the valuable advice. I noticed how busy were and I appreciate the attention you gave me. It was the nicest portfolio review I’ve ever gotten. Thanks for the confidence boost.

  5. Thanks, everybody! I had been sitting on this idea for quite some time, just waiting for the right opportunity, which finally presented itself.

    Billy, it was a pleasure meeting you as well. Glad I could be of service.

  6. First impression is that I see an interesting synthesis of Romita, Sr. and Colan in this interpretation of DD. Which, needless to say, is a good thing!

  7. Thanks, guys!

    Steven, I've definitely been looking at those two as I do my research. Even had the pleasure of meeting Colan last year at NYCC.

  8. Great cover.
    Fingers crossed to see a Black Widow cameo.

  9. Thanks! No promises on Black Widow just yet... but I certainly wouldn't mind drawing her.

  10. Onomatopoeia makes a guest appearance in Daredevil?

  11. I think it's going to be a recurring cast member...

  12. That's a brilliant cover, Paolo! Love the billy club across his eyes.

  13. Thanks! I couldn't help but use the same trick a few times in issue #1. Hopefully, it doesn't become too "cute."

  14. Wooooooooooow! Ha ha, incredible Paolo! What can I say, you killed that concept! Well done sir.

  15. Paolo, the DD preview pages just dropped on CBR and you, Mark, and Marcos are fashioning something special. I had high hopes for the book and what I've seen is nothing less than pure comic storytelling in a way that has been absent from a lot of superhero books for the last decade. Love your "covered eyes" motif, the overall depiction of Matt's heightened senses, and the way you've visualized a battle with The Spot. All point to a banner book for the character and medium. Keep it up man, much-appreciated.

  16. Thanks, Michael! Just finished the first issue. Starting on the second tomorrow.

  17. Very nice. When I was a kid in the 80s I read a lot of DD. I could swear I've seen an image that had sounds as words laid out on buildings in a similar fashion. Can't remember the artist. Did you have an inspiration for this image?

  18. Amazing. So excited that you are going to be doing my favorite Marvel hero.

  19. Jeremy, I can't think of the image you're talking about, but I'd be curious to see it if you can find it. When Marcos Martin saw this cover, he said he'd had a similar idea, but that I'd beat him to it.

    Thanks, F. Paul! I'm excited too. I'm already hard at work on issue 2.

  20. Pablo- I'm a big fan of the work you are doing. Keep inspiring!

  21. Glad to hear it, Sterling. I'm a fan of your work as well!


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Design out of the FlyBird's Box.