The Black Queen

THE BLACK QUEEN. 2015. Watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″. I already posted this piece on Instagram , but here's the final scan. I'll...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 286

THE VALIANT #1 PAGE 2. 2014. Photoshop, 2750 × 4175 px. The Valiant trade is finally out! Now you have no excuse not to read it (unles...

Sacramento 2015 Commission List

STARLORD. 2015. Ink & watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″. Wizard World Sacramento is just 4 weeks away! I'm still planning to go, bu...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 285

THE VALIANT #1 PAGE 12. 2014. Photoshop, 2750 × 4175 px. This page involved looking into the mirror a lot, but I took at least one webc...


ARCHIE #2. 2015. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″. Here's a cover we did earlier this year for t...

2014 Captain America Commission

CAPTAIN AMERICA. 2014. Watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″. I'll open up the list for next month's Sacramento Con sometime next week...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 284

THE VALIANT #1 p18. 2014. Photoshop, 2750 × 4175 px. Did I say this week? What I meant was that The Valiant  trade paperback will be ou...

Harley Quinn

HARLEY QUINN. 2015. Ink(s by Joe Rivera) & watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″. Here's a commission from this year's Megacon (I fin...

Book of Death #2 Cover

BOOK OF DEATH #2 COVER. 2015. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″. Hope everyone had a good week! I...

Wacky Reference Wednesdays, No. 283

THE VALIANT #2 PAGE 15. 2015. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″. The Valiant trade paperback comes o...


SPIDER-GWEN. 2015. Ink, watercolor, & acrylic on paper, 9 × 12″. Here's a recent commission starring everyone's new favorit...

Coast to Coast

SPACE GHOST. 2015. Watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″. Y'all better be going to see Avengers: Age of Ultron . Have a great weekend!
Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.