
Hawkman . 2012. Watercolor on paper, 9 × 12″. I thought I'd wrap up the week with 3 DC characters — ones that I'm not all t...

Wacky Reference Wednesday, No. 201

Daredevil #20 Cover . 2012. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on Marvel board, 11 × 17.25″. This cover hit stands last week, but I wanted to sh...

Captain America #1 Cover (Variant)

Captain America #1 Cover (Variant) . 2012.  Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on Marvel board, 11 × 17.25″. I hope everyone had a great Thank...

A Dragon (Finally)

Avenging Spider-Man . 2012. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on Marvel board, 11 × 17.25″. I'm off in the UK, but here's a drawing of ...

Wacky Reference Wednesday, No. 200!

Wonder Woman Defaced . 2012. Gouache and watercolor on bristol board, 11 × 17″. We have a winner! (And it has nothing to do...

Sandy Relief

Amazing Spider-Man #577, Page 29 . 2008. Ink on Marvel board, 11 × 17.25″. No matter who wins this election, I'm leaving the co...

Dark Horse Candidate

Two Past Midnight #1 Cover . 2012. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera) on bristol board, 11 × 17″. This cover marks my first foray into Dark Hors...
Copyright © The Self-Absorbing Man
Design out of the FlyBird's Box.