THE VALIANT #3 PAGE 6. 2014. Ink(ed by Joe Rivera)
on bristol board with digital color, 11 × 17″. |
This is what I would probably label as a "boring" page. Not a whole lot is happening, but it's necessary to set up the environment and develop the characters' relationship. It still requires a good bit of research, much of which can be used on subsequent pages. I chose an actual mall in Colorado as the basis for "Lyram Mall," but took many liberties. I usually do
character studies to keep their looks consistent, and in this case, had to keep track of Bloodshot's wounds, which slowly healed over the course of the scene.
Malls, Malls, Malls |
inks by my Pops! |
blue-line print of pencils |
pencils over digital roughs |
digital roughs |
digital layout |
KAY MCHENRY STUDIES. 2014. Ink & watercolor on bristol board, 11 × 17″. |
I love see more from the valiant! It's one of my favorite comics. I've read it so many times the pages are falling out.