Joseph Manuel Rivera, 1953-2024

Friday, December 13, 2024

I keep trying to make this not about me. But it's just not possible.

I'm in Daytona Beach in my childhood home. When I open the top drawer of his steel tool chest, he's got the same odd collection as mine. A shipping scale. Packing tape. White gloves for handling art. Batteries and chargers. A digital multimeter. Coins we will never, ever use.

And we haven't even gotten to the drawing board.

Maybe this is a common thing, but I kind of doubt it — at least not to this degree. If you knew me, whether through work or personal life, then you knew him. We were a team, and had been for as long as I can remember. He caught me when I peed on the doctor that delivered me. He was there when Joe Quesada gave me a job (Mom too).

He died early Wednesday morning, but I couldn't manage to write this until today. (My apologies to those I wasn't able to tell in advance of this post — I'm still a wreck.) I was able to fly home to see him one last time, thank goodness. He was still himself. Even on his hospital bed, he was so happy that the Assad regime fell. We both thought we had more time.

There's more to be said, but I just needed to share this without more delay. I still have my Mom. I still have his artwork. I still have his craft. I'm so thankful I had him for as long as I did. I just wish my kids had more time with "JoJo" — he was truly an amazing grandfather, and breaking the news to them was by far the hardest part.

Goodbye, Dad. I love you (and you knew that) and we both knew how lucky we were. We traced the same lines.


  1. My condolences to you and your family.

  2. Getting to meet you both at Wizard World was a true pleasure. His impact shines through you -- love and blessings during this difficult time.

  3. I’m so sorry to read this Paolo. Lost my own dad on December 15th about 3 years ago. Anniversary is coming up. It’s a huge loss, I can really relate. The best consolation may be that you loved each other and you both knew it. Many people don’t have that. My sincerest condolences to you and your family.

  4. I had the pleasure of hosting your panel at La Mole 2014 (Mexico City) and taking you both to a lucha libre show that same weekend. My condolences, Paolo.

  5. What an amazing artist and father. I’m so sorry for your loss, Paulo 💜

  6. Pablo my heart goes out to you. You had something special there. Don’t let it go. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Tio G

  7. My every sympathy to you Paolo. I never met your Dad but I was always aware how close you two are. Take care and long life. Malcolm

  8. Dads are a very special breed and you sure got a good one. Your kids will certainly benefit from all that he instilled in you. So sorry that he’s gone, but extremely happy to have met him. Be strong. For him.

  9. My cousin Joe. I didn't know him that well and the last time I seen him was at my brother's funersl. There were several years between us as I'm the same age as his sister Grace. Joe waa always super kind and soft spoken and very respectful. RIP my sweet cousin. My deepest sympathy to the family.

  10. So sorry for the loss of your father. May the moments you shared and life lessons experienced, connect to him forever and to to those you care for.

  11. My condolences Paolo. I have always had an impression that you had a great reputation with your parents, so I can only imagine how hard this is. He will be missed.

  12. Tony Pfeiffer (NH)Saturday, January 18, 2025

    Good morning Paulo, I just wanted to reach out and tell you something you already knew, but maybe others would like to hear about your Dad Joe. He was a wonderful soft spoken man who was so kind. If you grew up to be half the super hero he was it would be an honor! His artist talent was amazing to be around. I had a airbrush shop with a buddy in Daytona Beach years ago and used to get supplies from him occasionally for my airbrush guns. He always took the time to say something nice. He worked a season or 2 with me and watching him paint and enjoying how he created was inspiring. I think I met you a few times when you were super young and your Dad brought you by. I really haven't been seeing your work, but occasionally someone mentions you. I hope to check out your work now and hopefully I'll get that same feeling and sense of creativity that your Father showed me. The best of luck with your family and your love/work.

  13. Hey Paolo I know this is late but I just wanted to say that the relationship you had with your dad was very special, even to me who only saw you two online I could tell how close you were. My condolences and I hope you are feeling better now.


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